
This section provides a step-by-step guide to manage formulas. To make the process even easier, we’ve included a step-by-step video tutorial alongside our written instructions for both web and desktop.

  • Mobile
  • Desktop (Web)

Formula Management

  1. To manage your formulas, login to Ingrevo, click Manufacturing on the main menu, then Formulas from the sub menu. This is where you’ll handle all of your Formulas. You will need ingredients to create a formula so make sure you have ingredients saved before starting.
  2. To add a formula, click add formula. A pop-up form will appear. Fill out the required fields and click Save. If you change your mind, click Discard to cancel. 
  3. Once saved, the formula will appear in the formula table. Here you can view, copy, edit, or delete it as needed.
  4. To edit a formula, click Edit, update the details on the pop-up form, and click Save to apply the changes or Discard to cancel. 
  5. To copy a formula, click Copy, this will create a duplication of the formula in the table.
  6. To delete a formula, click Delete. Deleting a formula is permanent. Please check before deleting, as it cannot be recovered.
  7. You can download your formula by clicking CSV. 

Formula Creation

  1. To customize your formula, click View. This will take you to the formula creation tab.
  2. Click Add ingredient to add ingredients, percentages and instructions to your formula, and once complete click Save. If you change your mind, click Discard to cancel. 
  3. To download your formula, click CSV. This will take you to the export page, where you can save, print, and export your formulas.

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